MSEHIT was discovered in the mid-18th century by this fact that miners in some crystalline mines had not experienced lung-related ailments such as asthma, pneumonia, or chronic bronchitis. Even miners who had respiratory disease before they began working in the mines felt better and had fewer symptoms as they spent more and more time in the caves. The benefits of those crystalline minerals were also noticed in the 1940’s.


MSEHIT is the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as some skin diseases, utilizing crystalline minerals found in underground caves. Natural crystalline microns and ions have been proven effective in calming an agitated respiratory track. The crystalline ions produce a negative electrical charge in the air, which improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, decrease fatigue, and have many other curative effects.


During a treatment, the patient is allowed to relax in the special room for the duration of the session. Each session last from twenty to forty five minutes, and is repeated daily for up to fifteen days. Treatments are recommended up to three times per year. MSEHIT treatments are typically not private; patients usually can share a treatment cave with as many as thirty other individuals.


MSEHIT has been effective in reducing symptoms in many areas of health. Although treatments are most used to remedy lung-related disorders, it has also been used to care for skin conditions, anxiety, stress, ENT illnesses, and has been utilized to improve the immune system. Conditions that are treated with crystalline minerals include, but are not limited to:


·         Asthma

·         Allergic colds, Hay Fever and Rhinopathy

·         Chronic bronchitis

·         Sinusitis

·         Frequent viral infections

·         Frequent ear infections

·         Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

·         Smoker’s cough

·         Tonsillitis

·         Snoring

·         Psoriasis

·         Eczema

·         Stress and anxiety disorders

·         Insomnia

·         Arthritis

·         Cystic Fibrosis



MSEHIT falls under the class of physical therapies. It is a non-invasive, natural therapy without the side effects of drugs normally used to treat these ailments, such as corticoids or steroids. The absence of these drugs allows this treatment to be safe for pregnant women, and even very young children.


An easy way to integrate MSEHIT into a massage practice is with crystalline lamps and natural herbs. In addition to having curative factors, massage therapy also adds a relaxing ambiance to a room. For enhancing the effects of MSEHIT we have made special rooms for MSEHIT in our Massage Therapy Centers so the clients can get benefits of both therapies.


As a health care practitioner, the use of MSEHIT is very beneficial to my clients, as well as myself. It is important that my clients enter a pure environment, and leave feeling healthier than when they arrived.